Sunday, December 14, 2008

This Year's Christmas Letter

See if you can guess who wrote the following, me or my wife Ann:

Greetings from the Bigelows, who are so full of Christmas cheer we can taste it when we burp. Here's the rundown on our year:

Chris & Ann: Enjoyed London and Paris for our 10th anniversary, but will be glad when this stressful year is over, with its overabundance of spirited children, moonlighting freelance jobs, and crazy stuff in the news. Here's hoping 2009 is a little mellower! (But not too mellow, which is a danger in this economy...)

Jordan (13): Is playing the tuba and learning German, but isn't too interested in following through on the regular ol' subjects. Recently refurbished an old computer and sold it for a profit on eBay. Future entrepreneur? We wish we saw him more than every month or two...

Sophie (11): Has been living with us since early this year. Is playing the clarinet in the school band and recently joined a swim team. Quirky sense of humor, especially when we forget her morning pill.

Austin (9): Is our performer, loving choir and community theater. Is waiting to see what part he'll play in this spring's production of Oliver. When asked if performing onstage makes him nervous, got a puzzled look on his face, as if he didn't even understand the question. Sometimes acts like he could use one of Sophie's pills...

Kimball (4): Ah, our intense one. Enjoyed his first year of BYU preschool, learning how to read and studying the anatomy of spiders. Likes to go on walks and get what he wants when he wants it. Could maybe use half a pill from time to time...

Zachary (2): Our brown-eyed boy with questionable DNA (except the big head). Just surrendered his pacifiers to Santa so Santa could give them to some babies, because pacifiers are for babies. Likes to play with the new kitty. Doesn't really need any pills.

From our home to yours, complete with all our most heartfelt sounds and odors, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. (We were going to send you a figgy pudding, but we had a pudding fight with it during family home evening the other night...)


Shauna said...

I'm new here! What a great blog :)

Sarah Empey said...

Great to hear about your fam- even if they only function on pills :) This pregnancy I've been taking more pills than ever (and isn't this when my body is supposed to be the most "pure"?) It's puzzling, but there you go. Hope you all have a great holiday!