Friday, April 07, 2006

A Nice Review of a Book I Coauthored

Here's a nice little review of "Mormomism For Dummies," which I coauthored. It appeared in Salt Lake City Weekly's Best of Utah 2006 issue, April 6, 2006:

Mormonism for Dummies

This book's the one if you want to find out why Mormons can get away with drinking caffeine-rich Mountain Dew and what really goes on in a temple ceremony. It's written by LDS members, but that doesn't stop it from being funny, in depth, and providing rewarding insight into what folks next door in their white shirts and ties actually believe. Don't let the fact that co-writer Jana Riess penned "What Would Buffy Do? The Vampire Slayer as Spiritual Guide" put you off. We all have to earn our keep somehow.

Overall, I would say I've been treated VERY well by Utah newspapers and even a couple of radio stations with my two most prominent projects so far, The Sugar Beet and Mormonism For Dummies. I've gotten lots of great feature coverage on both projects from the Ogden paper and the Salt Lake Tribune. The Deseret News and the Provo paper did nice, big articles on the Dummies book, and this weekly newspaper did a couple of articles on the Sugar Beet and now this small Dummies blurb. Yay!


William said...


What's with the silly dig at Jana, though? Is SL Weekly now too-cool for Whedon?

Christopher Bigelow said...

Yeah, I don't know how to take that exactly, either... It probably has two or three levels of sarcasm in it.